Level 2
Level 2 Soil Surveys require at least one boring for testing per one acre of land. This is used for general findings of soil patterns of large tracts of land.
Level 3
Level 3 Soil Surveys are the minimum type of survey required by the State of Georgia Health Department for On-Site Sewage Management Systems and land sub-dividing. This requires at least four borings for testing per one acre of land.
Level 4
Level 4 Soil Surveys surpasses four borings per acre. These are used for extremely detailed studies.
What is a Level 3 and Level 4 Soil Survey? (PERC Test)
Level 3 Soil Surveys may also be referred to as perc tests - perc testing is an old way to refer to soil surveys. A Level 3 Soil Survey is a test to determine if your soil is suitable for on-site sewage management system (a septic system). A Level 4 Soil Survey is a high intensity soil survey that provides much greater detail than a Level 3 Soil Survey. Level 4 Soil Surveys are sometimes required for difficult lots or poor soil areas. The test evaluates a soils ability to percolate ("perc") wastewater from a septic tank. A soil survey will also provide information on depth of rock or groundwater and will provide a map with soil types and applicable setbacks to site features.
How is a Level 3 Soil Analysis Performed?
We hand auger four borings strategically placed in the area where you plan to build. We classify or identify the soils as we dig until reaching a depth of six feet at each boring. Each soil classification has a particular absorption rate that is used to determine suitability. Using this information and site-specific features of the lot, such as slope, wells, creeks or springs, we are able to determine if the soils are suitable for a conventional (standard) septic system. If the initial analysis determines that a conventional system is not appropriate, there are other options that can be utilized such as mound or drip systems.
Contact Info:
Phone: 678.272.5909